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Darkmoon Faire Buffs !

PostPosted: Mon Aug 08, 2005 5:15 pm
by Cavos
Buff List
These are all rip-off's the old Ultima choose your destiny questions. All the listed buffs end on death. Good for fights like Onyxia or Ragnaros, or an intial whammy sauce intro in WSG.

1.1 +10% Damage
1st: Slay the Man
2nd: Execute your friend painfully

1.2 +10% Magical Resist
1st: Slay the Man
2nd: Exectue your friend painlessly

1.3 +10% Armor
1st: Slay the Man
2nd: Let your frined go

2.1 +10% Spirit
1st: Turn him over to liege
2nd: Confront the diplomat

2.2 +10% Int
1st: Turn him over to liege
2nd: Show not so quiet defiance

2.3 +10% Magical Resistance
1st: Turn him over to leige
2nd: Remain quiet

3.1 +10% Stamina
1st: Confiscate the corn
2nd: Speak against your brother openly

3.2 +10% Strength
1st: Confiscate the corn
2nd: Help your brother in

3.3 +10% Agility
1st: Confiscate the Corn
2nd: Keep your brother out without letting him know.

4.1 +10% Int
1st: Let him go and have the corn
2nd: Take credit, keep gold.

4.2 +10% Spirit
1st: Let him go and have the corn
2nd: Take credit, Share the gold.

4.3 +10% Armor
1st: Let him go and have the corn:
2nd: Let the knight take credit

PostPosted: Wed Aug 10, 2005 1:13 am
by Ravensclaw
Passive: Ravensclaw
You gain the ability to pwnar shit everywhere.
